Dr. Chetan Prajapati, Dr. Sheetal Vyas, Dr. Bansi Davda and Dr. Jinal Vaghela
Title: Foundation Course (FC) for medical students gives an opportunity to sensitize medical students about Yoga right at the beginning of their medical studies. This study investigated the perceived benefits of yoga on a five-point Likert scale before and after FC.
Aims: 1) To study socio-demographic profile and anthropometric indices of study population. 2) To study the perceived benefits of yoga as assessed on five-point Likert scale before and after FC. 3) To study the practice of yoga and motivation behind adopting the practice of yoga.
Settings and Design: Cross sectional study with pre-deigned and pre-tested questionnaire
Methods and Material: Cross sectional study was carried out amongst students of first MBBS by using a pre-deigned and pre-tested questionnaire. Response was taken from 1st year MBBS 2022 batch students after yoga session of FC.
Statistical analysis used: Descriptive statistics.
Results: Age range was 17-20 years. 64 (41.02%) were boys and 92 (58.98%) were girls. Mean BMI for boys and girls was 22.49±4.54 kg/m2 & 20.20±4.48 kg/m2 respectively. Mean Likert score before and after FC was 3.76±0.82 & 4.08±0.90 respectively and Practice of yoga was 112 (64%) & majority were doing meditation. Mean frequency and duration of yoga was 3.56±2.10 days per week & 22.92±11.25 Minutes respectively.
Conclusions: Benefits perceived by students for doing yoga were mental peace & stress relaxation. There is increase in Likert score after FC.
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