Dr. Matcha Ravichandra, Dr. KVN Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Gurugubelli Madhukumar and Dr. Yelisetti Vamsipriya
Acute Appendicitis is a common surgical condition with a life time incidence of 7%. Many of the patients presenting to emergency room with right iliac fossa pain have acute appendicitis and also many other alternative pathologies. A negative appendicectomy rate up to 17% is noted in India following Appendicectomy basing on clinical suspicion. This necessitates accurate diagnosis prior to performing appendicectomy. There are so many preoperative scores which give an idea whether to go for surgical intervention. Two such scores are ALVARADO score and Appendicitis Inflammatory Response (AIR) score. This study aims at predicting the accuracy of ALVARADO and Acute Inflammatory Response score (AIR). This study also was done to advice regarding the efficiency of these scores in avoiding negative Appendicectomies. This study was conducted at government General Hospital, Srikakulam by retrospectively analyzing the patient’s case records from June 2022 to March 2024 after obtaining ethical clearance from institutional ethical committee. From June 2022 to March 2024, 130 patients (77 males and 53 females) who underwent appendicectomy for suspected acute appendicitis and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. The mean age was 27.5±13.3(range 12-60). The mean Alvarado screening patients with acute appendicitis in histology was 7.4±1.42 as compared to 5.6±1.08 among patients with normal appendix (< 0.001). The Appendicitis inflammatory response scores were 7.3±2.23 and 4.21±0.97 (p<0.001) respectively. The Alvarado score has a sensitivity of 72% and a specificity of 79% at a score ≥ 6. The AIR score showed a sensitivity of 98% with a specificity of 36% for scores ≥ 5. ≥6 AIR score had a sensitivity of 77% & specificity of 97%. The AIR score which is relatively recently developed score out performs the ALVARADO score.
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